Annehurst Veterinary Hospital 614-882-4728 | Big Walnut Animal Care Center 740-548-4244

Veterinary Surgical Services

Surgical Services: We at Animal Care Clinic pride ourselves on providing the highest quality veterinary care. For decades we have stayed up to date with the latest technology, and we are qualified and equipped to handle all of your pet’s surgical needs. We promise to do everything we can to make sure your pet is always happy and healthy!

Neutering Westerville Ohio

Neutering Your Pet

Neutering is important to your pet’s life for many reasons. In dogs, neutering not only promotes the dog’s physical health, but neutering your dog can prevent him from wandering in search of a fertile female. Neutering in dogs is the surgical removal of the testicles. The vet will remove not only the testicles, but also the canine’s testicular blood vessels and spermatic ducts. The prostate, urethra, penis are left intact. It’s a good idea to neuter your male dog to prevent testicular cancer later in life, prevent the spread of genetic diseases, and the prevention of various testosterone-enhanced medical conditions. You might be surprised to find that neutering can lower the instance of aggression as well as leg-cocking. Puppies that have reached the age of eight weeks can be safely neutered. It is often wisest to have your dog neutered before six months of age so that the male hormones never have a chance to “kick in,” and your puppy will not have begun any bad habits that an adult intact male may exhibit.

Neutering a cat also involves removal of the testicles. In some cats, both testicles do not descend properly, and your vet will need to locate the retained testicle for removal. In this instance, not only is neutering utilized to prevent later spraying by your male cat, but this procedure is carried out for the health of your cat. Male cats left intact (not neutered) will mark their territory by spraying, fighting with other male cats, wander in search of a fertile female, and show aggression. Cats should be neutered between two and five months of age.

Spaying Your Pet

Spaying is the removal of the uterus of the female dog’s internal female reproductive organs, including the Fallopian tubes, the ovaries, the uterine horns, and the uterus. Spaying is done primarily to prevent unwanted litters of puppies. However, spaying one female can lead to a decrease in the population of strays and unwanted dogs. Spaying can also prevent the spread of genetic diseases and negative genetic traits. Some owners also have their female dog spayed in order to prevent cancer of the ovaries or the uterus as well as other reproductive tract diseases.

Spaying in cats involves the same procedure as it does in a dog. The benefits are the same, as spaying of cats helps to control overpopulation. While dogs can reproduce on average only twice per year, cats are able to reproduce much more often. Female cats that are allowed to reproduce often may have more health problems with multiple pregnancies.

Doctors operating on an animal Westerville Ohio

Soft Tissue Surgery

Like humans, pets can suffer from a number of ailments that may require surgery. The most common soft tissue surgery for dogs and cats is tumor removal. Soft tissue surgery involves procedures of the internal organs, muscle or skin. Some typical soft tissue surgery procedures involve airway, reconstructive, the removal of an intestinal foreign object, and shunt placement or removal. Soft tissue surgery for a pet is much like soft tissue surgery in a human. The offending object will be removed, and, if necessary, as in the case of tumor removal, you’ll meet with an oncologist to discuss possible treatments.

Pet Soft Tissue Surgery Westerville Ohio
Dog Orthopedic Surgery Westerville Ohio

Orthopedic Surgery

From time to time, our furry friends may be in need of orthopedic surgery. This surgery involves the bones and joints of your pet. Orthopedic surgery can take place to set a broken bone or repair a fracture. Other examples of orthopedic surgery involve treating osteoarthritis. Much like soft tissue surgery, your pet will need to undergo anesthesia and may require some time in a pet hospital. You may also need to bring your pet back to the vet for a number of follow-up visits to determine if the surgery was successful.

Dog and Cat Cesarean Section Surgery

When your dog or cat has difficulty naturally giving birth, you may need to bring her in for a cesarean section. (Note: Many dog breeds, such as the English Bulldog or French Bulldog almost always require a c-section at the time of giving birth.) A cesarean section is considered major surgery. The puppies or kittens will be removed from the uterus. In some cases, the vet may need to spay your pet once the babies have been safely delivered. Most cats and dogs recover easily from this procedure, and they tend to have few, if any, complications.

Dog C-Cection Westerville Ohio
Surgical Services

Anesthesia and Patient Monitoring

Our vet team believes in closely monitoring the patient during and after surgery. One area that we specialize in is measuring anesthetic depth. This means checking palpebral reflexes in your pet as well as the corneal reflex. We also monitor jaw tone in patients. We also monitor the vital signs of your pet during surgery.

Our team also monitors the patient during the recovery stage to ensure that he or she is healthy before allowing your pet to return home. Some surgeries will require your pet to stay overnight after a procedure. During this time, we’ll monitor vitals and ensure that your pet wakes up and is responsive once a procedure is over.

What happens before surgery?

Once you make an appointment, there are a few things to do before your pet’s surgery. Your doctor will go over all vaccinations that should be up to date, as well as any medications that need to be given or stopped. The night before a procedure you will want to take away any food or water, as well as make sure that your pet gets a good night’s sleep.

Will my pet be in pain during the surgery?

Some pet surgeries may call for anesthesia or local numbing, in which case your doctor will provide the appropriate medication to minimize any pain or discomfort. We will do everything we can to make sure your pet is safe and comfortable throughout any procedure.

What to watch for after surgery?

After surgery you will want your pet to get plenty of rest, and to keep a close eye out for any of the following symptoms:

  • Odor coming from incision
  • Excessive swelling or drainage
  • No appetite 24 hours after procedure
  • Vomiting or diarrhea
  • Bleeding

Schedule Your Pet’s Surgery

You can trust Animal Care Clinic to devote all of our care and attention to your pet’s health. We promise the best service and care from your first appointment to any procedure necessary. Call us today if you have any additional questions or to schedule your next appointment!

If you have any questions regarding scheduling your pets surgical services please don’t hesitate to call Annehurst Veterinary Hospital at 614-882-4728 or Big Walnut Animal Care Center 740-548-4244. We will be happy to answer any of your questions.